If you are looking for help in writing a research paper, you have probably come across Research Paper Guru. It is a website dedicated to writing tips and advice. It offers reviews of various authors and tips for selecting the best research materials. It also offers tips on how to choose a professional. You may also find useful tips and tricks on how to write a research paper using free online resources. But what is Research Paper Guru? Read on to learn more about how this site can help you.
The service works by allowing you to import your existing bibliography. You can import papers from PubMed by putting in the title and PMID. You can also import your own EndNote library by uploading a corresponding XML file. In addition, it offers a range of topics and is compatible with many citation formats. All in all, it is an excellent choice for students. There is even a free trial version, so you can try it out for yourself before you make a final decision.
When choosing a research paper topic, students should think about the grade level of the assignment. High school research paper topics may require only a few pages of research and citing sources from Google or Yahoo. On the other hand, college papers require extensive research and the use of reliable sources, such as scholarly books or peer-reviewed journals. Common research paper topics include abortion, child abuse, diversity, health, science, and the impact of technology on society.