If you are a high school student preparing to apply to college, you should be aware of the supplemental essay requirements. These essays are meant to showcase your enthusiasm for a college and are like a doorway into a larger conversation. In your conclusion, address the question that the essay asks. The more enthusiastic you are about a college, the more excited you will be to write supplemental essays. However, if the essays turn you off, you might not be as passionate about the college as you thought.

It’s easy to miss an important piece of information, so make sure to double-check your essay. Most colleges share supplemental essay prompts, which means you’ll get more mileage out of your 15 hours. To help you keep track of the questions that are on these extra essays, you can bookmark a website or bookmark it so you can refer back to it when writing your extra essay. There are also online applications for colleges, so you can learn the interface and tools before applying.

Applying to as many colleges as possible will increase your chances of being accepted to more than one school. In general, you should apply to eight to 12 schools, with two safeties, four targets, and two reaches. This will maximize your chances of being accepted to multiple schools, increase your options, and give you more leverage to negotiate more financial aid. However, if you plan to apply to a large number of schools, be aware that some will require supplemental essays. Consequently, you’ll have to write 10 to 20 extra essays.

Before deciding on what to write about, read through your application form closely. Look for any missing information that might define your personality and strengths. Once you identify such characteristics, you can start writing. And make sure you’re not tempted to repeat yourself. Remember that you don’t have to be an expert to succeed. Just remember to have fun while writing! It’s a great way to showcase your talent. If you’re stuck, consider talking with your family, a friend, or a mentor to help you brainstorm your topic.

Adding extra essays is a great way to showcase your creativity. Many law schools offer supplemental essays. Duke Law School has an optional essay requirement and invites applicants to explain the factors that prompted their interest in a law career. It’s helpful to include these essays as they add depth to your application. Just make sure to avoid plagiarizing or rewriting the essay. They may also be a trap. If you write too many essays, the admissions committee may be overwhelmed.

Many colleges don’t require extra essays. For example, Middlebury College doesn’t require extra essays. It’s a small college that has a reputation for high academic standards. Despite its small size, Middlebury has a highly selective acceptance rate. And its admissions average is only 22%. Skidmore is another highly regarded residential liberal arts college located in beautiful New York. A recent survey revealed that it’s the second-highest producing school of Black women in the country.
